Military Sexual Trauma

Cedar Hills Hospital STAR Military Program offers a specialized program for Active Duty Service Members and or Veterans who have experienced sexual assault or harassment during military service. We provide this service to men and women of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, all gender expressions and or sexual orientation.

Programs & Services at Coral Shores Behavioral Health

Empathetic Care for Military Sexual Trauma

We offer a safe and secure environment addressing issues such as anxiety, panic attacks, use of alcohol and or drugs to manage negative feelings, self-blame, self-doubt, sleep issues, nightmares, bad memories, depression, irritability, isolation, suicidal thoughts and negative self-esteem.

Our program provides:

  • A safe and supportive environment to help you to talk about your experience
  • Cognitive Processing and Dialectical Behavior Therapy to help you address the experience and help you to manage your negative symptoms
  • PCL 5 and PHQ 9 outcome tools are used for treatment planning and reviews
  • Medication Management by a Board Certified Psychiatrist
  • Supportive Therapy including Yoga, Tai Chi, Gym Access, Recreation and Art Therapy
  • Education and Process Therapy Groups with evidenced based curriculum to increase your ability to cope
  • After Care Planning
  • Crisis Safety Planning