Empathetic Care for Military Sexual Trauma
We offer a safe and secure environment addressing issues such as anxiety, panic attacks, use of alcohol and or drugs to manage negative feelings, self-blame, self-doubt, sleep issues, nightmares, bad memories, depression, irritability, isolation, suicidal thoughts and negative self-esteem.
Our program provides:
- A safe and supportive environment to help you to talk about your experience
- Cognitive Processing and Dialectical Behavior Therapy to help you address the experience and help you to manage your negative symptoms
- PCL 5 and PHQ 9 outcome tools are used for treatment planning and reviews
- Medication Management by a Board Certified Psychiatrist
- Supportive Therapy including Yoga, Tai Chi, Gym Access, Recreation and Art Therapy
- Education and Process Therapy Groups with evidenced based curriculum to increase your ability to cope
- After Care Planning
- Crisis Safety Planning